Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Question of the Day vi cause and effect

Thank you for your comment related to this topic and in total truth they are truly all connected. Since there was an agreement for global support my question is..... What  is your first step to save Mother Earth?


  1. mine has already begun...
    unfortunately we can't get away from the use of plactic so i try to limit the use as much as possible. i also use pots with sand in them outside so those of my friends that smoke can put their butts there...with the explanation that the butts are not only harmful to us but also to all living creatures. but my favorite thing is to feed the birds and animals...which doesn't always sit well with my neighbors
    however the most dearest thing i have done is give back to her something i hold close to my heart...Nash. my friend and companion of 11 yrs passed away in June. he was cremated and his ashes were spread over a nature persever that is protected. they also planted a tree in his honor
    so i guess what it all boils down to is that although i speak about protecting mother earth and rejousing in her bounty...i make sure that my actions speak in a louder volume.... Blessed Be

    1. Awesome post and my compassions goes out to you for your lose. My next question might give you some insight on my opinion on the solution...

  2. One of the biggest solutions is to move our heavy industry to the moon.
    As for what people can do, recycle, don't litter, keep your streets clean together, it's not that hard to throw your trash or wait until you get home or reach the nearest garbage bin, but a lot of people are bone lazy, as for using more paper then plastic the more paper we use the more trees will be cut down
