Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prays and using charged colored candles

Candles have been used in all religions since the first written religion that was on stone tablets. The power of pray if you Google you will find many sources that prove how powerful pray can be. My favorite which is not the one I am going to use in this article. I do use it in my book but I will give you sources and where I found this information.

Science and the Power of Prayer  https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/287-science-and-the-power-of-prayer BY WAYNE JACKSON

In recent years much public attention has been directed to the so-called “scientific studies” of the validity of prayer. One of the more widely publicized reports involves “experiments” performed by Dr. Randolph Byrd. Supposedly, Byrd’s ten-month study, involving 393 patients at San Francisco General Hospital, demonstrated the therapeutic effect of “intercessory prayer.” Coronary patients were divided into two groups. One group was prayed for by “Christians” of that area; the other group had no prayers offered in its behalf. Allegedly, the difference in the improvement of the former group was dramatic.Of course the assumption is that no one was praying for the control group, and that the people who were praying for the recipient group were qualified to do so. Further, it is difficult to fathom the attitude which suggests: “We will pray for one group (for experimental purposes), but not for the other.”Of what value was this procedure? It is utterly meaningless. Let me explain.

The Christian believes in prayer implicitly. Why? Not because of worthless “experiments,” or because he can “scientifically” document prayer’s effects. He believes in prayer because of his confidence in the testimony of the Scriptures – divinely inspired documents, buttressed by a wide variety of incontestable evidences. The Bible affirms that godly prayer can “avail” much (Jas. 5:16). Further, the Christian believes in the power of prayer because Jesus Christ, the best and wisest Person who ever lived upon this earth, utilized the avenue of prayer. Jesus is represented as praying some fifteen times in the four Gospel records. We are, therefore, confident of the power of prayer.Now about candles, they in themselves have no power. There are different kind of candles, scented, unscented and the different waxes that can be used. However a candle is just a candle until you charge one. What is important is the colors of candle are important. They go hand in hand with charging a candle.

White, spiritual blessings, purity, healing, rest
Light blue, peace, harmony, joy, kindly intentions
Dark blue, moodiness, depression, unfortunate circumstances
Green, money, gambling luck, business, steady work, good crops
Yellow, devotion, prayer, money (gold), cheerfulness, attraction
Red, love, affection, passion, bodily vigor, luck
Pink, attraction, romance, clean living
Purple, mastery, power, ambition, control, command
Orange, change of plans, opening the way, prophetic dreams Brown, court cases, neutrality
Black, repulsion, dark thoughts, sorrow, evil, harm
Metallic gold, money, gambling luck, prosperity, success
Often two colors are used to work together to create magic, affect energies.

How to Charge Your Candles: http://intimatevolution.hubpages.com

The most simplistic way to charge a candle is by holding the candle tightly in your hands, at chest level. Since your chest cavity is considered to be the center of yourself, it is important that the energy radiating from that area, goes directly into the candle, for the strongest results. As you are embracing your candle with both hands, strongly think about the purpose you wish the candle to serve. For instance, if someone you know is ill, imagine that person healthy and strong as they once were. The power of positive reinforcement cannot be stressed enough, for it is of vital importance that that energy resonates through you.

Always remain positive about your intentions, while continuously imagining your desires being fulfilled. For instance, back to the sick person scenario; imagine that person up and running around, laughing and playing in the park. To dive deeper into the individual power of certain spells, you can take charging a candle to deeper depths. Some of these advance steps below are to be included with the first three initial steps listed above. Feel free to anoint your candle in an essential oil like Clary sage, Myrrh, or Grapefruit. Spells and ritual com had interesting information about adding , "adding planetary or zodiac oils to the candle." They mentioned that it would, "bring those elements (such as Capricorn for money or Mercury for communication) to your candle magic." You can inscribe symbols into the candle. Like a cross, dollar sign, or peace sign to show a visual expression of the terms of what you are asking from the spell. Using small picture images, carved in names or date of births work as well. Choose the candle according to the power of its color. For example, in health spells or blessing use a blue candle to charge, and procure your wished for desires. Consider the phases of the moon, when charging your candles. And, remember  When a candle has been anointed in an essential oil, it is best to use unscented candles to start with. Confusing the wrong scent together can have an undesirable result.

HOWEVER I used these posts where the average person would get the information.  My extension studying of Prays, Ceremonies, so-called scented and, Essential Oils. That is like saying a average person can go into a hospital and have the abilities to do open heart surgery just because you believe. It does not work like that. You can actually go to a few good websites or book and truly find what color candle truly mean. Most books or site do not account for the cycles of the moon which is a major factor of candle burning. Then CHARGING a candle this is from personal experience. You go in and ask for one of the EO’s EO’s= essential oils. And you end up with water down version of who know what you are getting. This machine cost me …….if you are interested I let you look up the price but you can but a new car for what I paid for this machine. The reason I put this in was unless you truly trust the person you are more than likely not getting what you say you are. However if you use the correct candle and charging of the candle, not in the steps I have in this post. It is an acceptable practice but I prefer to use a practice that is completely more precise. So with the correct pray. That in itself is a whole different process. The churches use prays and todays the new versions of certain religions call it spell but the word are the same. There is one no no and I do not care what religion uses it is conjuring. Before I get slammed on the word conjuring here is my definition I am using. To conjuring is asking for something you cannot ask for by yourself. End of story. No changing of words. So using a pray with a properly charged candle the universe will be more respective to answering your pray. I used Universe instead of God, Jesus, and Buddha it applies to any Deity you believe in. For the Universe accepts and believes in all Deities.

Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) Quality Test

Gas Liquid Chromatography separates the various components of the essential oil and produces a reading (in the form of a chromatogram) which makes it possible to compare to a 'standard' reading of what the essential oil components should be. The essential oil passes through a long tube (and various 'stages' of gas and liquid within the tube) and, on evaporation at the other end, the trace of essential oil is recorded; lighter essential oil molecules will pass through the tube faster than heavy essential oil molecules.

The essential oils are compared to a 'standardized' reading for that particular essential oil. It is only possible to compare essential oils generally to the 'standard' reading as all pure essential oils are unique in their chemical make-up; however, certain components should be present (or not present).

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A fireman life even long after its over

·   October 07, 1985·  Vol. 23·  No. 15
  • http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20091896,00.html

A Badly Burned Fireman Looks Back in Horror at His Descent into Hell
By Sam Lasco
The alarm sounded in the freezing predawn hours of a February day, summoning 120 fire fighters to a burning TV-and-stereo store on Chicago's Northwest Side. The blaze, set by arsonists, was already burning fiercely, and more than 90 minutes passed before it was finally brought under control. By then three members of Hook and Ladder Company 58 lay dead in the rubble: captain Daniel Nockels, 56, firemen Mike Forchione, 29, and Mike Talley, 25. A fourth, Sam Lasco, had also fallen into the flames but had somehow managed to claw his way back to safety before collapsing.

Lasco, 31, spent the next four weeks at the Cook County Hospital burn center, where he underwent two major skin graft operations and began a painful regimen of physical therapy that still continues eight months later. As agonizing as his physical scars have been, however, Lasco's psychological wounds have burned even deeper. The loss of three close friends and the real possibility that he may never again resume his duties are things that he is still struggling to confront. Recently Lasco spoke to PEOPLE'S Barbara Kleban Mills about those fiery moments of truth last February and his hard climb back.

The only thing special about that day, or so I thought, was that it was Mike Forchione's 29th birthday. We'd given him a surprise birthday cake earlier, then turned in for the night. But at 3:47 a.m. we got this call to a fire only a mile and a half from the firehouse.

The next thing I knew, we were all on the roof trying to find a hole so we could ventilate the fire. Billy Karda, the fifth man on my team, was on the ladder when the roof caved in. He was yelling for us to get off, but we never heard him because of the power saws we had working. Karda saw it happen, saw the four of us go down and saw me climb out.

He said later he never saw anything so weird, because I was all on fire. I thought for a while that I had found this beam and climbed it back to the roof, but Billy says there was no beam, that there was no way I could have climbed up. It was like I walked up the air or, who knows, maybe up the arm of God or something.

I remember my legs being on fire, and then I remember looking down. That's how my face caught fire. I remember saying, "Oh my God, I don't want to die." And the next thing I remember is being back on the roof's coping and wanting to fall asleep right there. I was so tired. Two men with Truck 13 saw me crawling out too, and one said all he could see was red: All of a sudden there's this figure coming out of the hole, like something crawling out of hell, he said.

But there I was, totally in flames, and I'm lying down. The only thing on my mind was sleep. Then I heard a voice yelling at me: "Roll! Roll!" And I rolled over through the snow, over and over again, onto the next roof. A lieutenant on the rescue squad yelled, "What's your name? Who're you with?" I said, "Lasco," and he said, "Lasco, get down this ladder." And I'm still lying there, tired. But he ordered me down again, and I did it. I walked down that ladder myself.

In the ambulance on the way over to Cook, I started to swell up. Then there was a doctor standing over me, and the next thing I know, a bunch of people are holding me down and scrubbing me. It felt like they were ripping off my skin, but actually they were removing the blisters. I suppose the brushes were very soft, but they felt like they were made of wire.

Have you ever seen a burned chicken? The skin's all black and bubbled. That's how my legs were from the knee to the hip, black and bubbled. And then I knew my face looked like that too. But they wouldn't give me a mirror at first. When they did let me see it, it was gross—pus oozing out and horrible.

Beyond my own injuries, nothing really hit me until I got home and saw videotapes of the fire. I saw them digging the guys out. I saw the body bags. But it was the actual funeral service that really made me sick to my stomach, that hit me emotionally. That, and seeing the agony of their family members. It was like I was in a room without a door.

After the burn unit, I went to stay with my parents at first. I couldn't break down because I didn't want to scare them, and they had been through enough already. So I was still holding everything back. When I finally got back to my own apartment, that's when I really let go. Cry? I cried for two whole weeks. One night I told my girlfriend, Debbie, "I think I'm flipping out." I asked my best friend to take my guns out of the house; I was so afraid I might do something. One day I had such a feeling of evil, of an evil presence in the house, that I started praying. It was like I could touch evil. I would stay up three or four days at a time without sleep.

I would talk with Billy Karda, the fifth man on our team, and the tears would run down our faces, because everything we had built was gone. The team, the trust, laying our lives on the line for each other was our basic training. At first I felt that I should have been dead too. Then when I got over that feeling, I thought, well, if I walked out, why couldn't I have pulled one of the others out? Now I realize that they were dead instantly, that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

Ever since the fire I've had nightmares. The doctor says it's quite usual for a burn victim. My first night home from the hospital, I dreamed that I was a lion tamer and that the three cats in the cage turned on me. When I woke up, I found I had tried to crawl up the paneled bedroom walls. I had a splinter in my eye that scratched my cornea so bad I had to go to the hospital emergency room.

Billy Karda is also taking it really hard. He's up to about four packs of cigarettes a day now. Billy's been real close and helped me a lot. On his day off he'd pick me up and take me to the hospital, and from there we'd go to the different firehouses to see those guys who helped me so much. I really feel I would have been dead if it weren't for those guys telling me to roll. The rescue squad officer, Bob Hoff, who was on the ladder and ordered me down. Those guys saved my life, and no one knows it but me.

When I went to thank Bob Hoff in person, I found that he also had been burned in a fire. I think his father even died in a fire. He was real nice, telling my family to call if I needed any help. I get that a lot. There was another fireman—from Truck 10—who was burned once, and his wife told me the same thing. Firefighters get very, very close to each other, almost like brothers, and the moral support has been just fantastic.

At first I told everybody that I couldn't wait to get back, that I'd be on the job again in six months. After three months I couldn't even do one push-up, and I used to be able to do a couple of hundred. I couldn't even lift my arm over my head because I was in so much pain. I still have to take a painkiller every time I shave, and even when it's only 60 degrees outside, it burns my nose in the shade. I can't even go in the sun because I'm susceptible to skin cancer. How am I going to walk into a 100-degree fire?

One evening I went into a bar with friends, wearing a special facial mask I'm still using to keep down the swelling and speed the healing. After one drink I didn't feel too good. I knew all those people were looking at me. They weren't just looking, they were gawking. It was very uncomfortable. My buddies said, "How do you take that?" And I told them, "Well, you become an actor for a while."

I'm not sure why I became a fireman; it's not anything I ever thought about as a kid. But to be a fireman is a special thing. Somehow you have to have it in you—the feeling that when the rats and cockroaches come running out, you run in. I'm proud, because firemen are a special breed.

As for the arsonists who set that fire, I'm really mad at them. Maybe I could understand it if they were poor. But if they set that fire out of nothing but greed, I'd like to do to them what they did to me.

I reposted this since I am still having problems with the dealings of everyday life. I have no one to talk to about this. To all the people whom I have come across with and was not pleasant you. My deepest regrets for being disrespectful to you. I am trying to become on good terms with past, present and future.