Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Question of the day?

If all Religions say or express that killing is wrong, why is there war?


  1. Interesting question...
    I could get into a long answer so I will say what 1 popped into my head
    FEAR in every sense of the word

  2. Just my opinion ~ Humans will chose a religion they believe is the only one true religion. In each religion you will find war to justify that belief. Examples can be found in the Vedas, Bible, Koran, Buddhism and so on. Greed is what I believe is the root. Whether it is greed for money, power, land . . . whatever. Greed in the hearts of mankind can cause man to act at its worse.

  3. Hey Ebby Hoyer and Claire Loveless, thank you for my comments. Your answers are value points. First Ebby you said Fear: who of what or whom or anything I left do you mean.... please elaborate? If you answer Fear for the reason I believe which might be the same you are referring to then that was going to lead to my next Question discuss but again would you please elaborate? Second, Claire is what you saying is that they do not respect, honor what their religion states and states quite clearly? Are they sidetracked from greed? If I am anyway off from your statement please explain but since talking to you many time I think we are on the same page. Basically in summary; “No religion has honored their most revered law and taking a life is wrong". If you both agree or disagree please leave a comment. I must applaud both of you for answering this very delicate question, for the truth will at first will frighten you but since it is a double edge sword it will set you free as well. Again thank you so very much for your insight. If you have friends that enjoy intelligent interaction please invite them. I have a series of questions and idea for this new blogger.

  4. It's the fear of what one doesn't understand...the fear of change...the fear of idealism. There are those that close themselves off whether by choice or years of conditioning...by conditioning I mean through family and/or peers...that their way is ALL that matter. They don't or won't take the time to listen and learn to see what others feel and think. Not saying they have to change but need to be willing to except. I was taught to not only listen but see with both my heart and mind. That there is beauty all around us. There will always be those who will keep their " tunnel vision"...and that truly is sad. But to answer a question I know to be hanging in the air. There is no one true religion...there is only one true higher powers that we believe in by whatever we have chosen to call them. Blessed Be

  5. Thanks Ebby, I am going to answer all posts that have a continuing subject matter....I agree and I think that why we are in both agree and it is the fastest growing religion in the world by 489%....that was twice the speed of Jesus of Nazareth However it does not even get close to my answering the question. I stress that since we are in agreement about one true “God” and God says in a written manual as far back as stone tablets NO KILLING!....yet we have been at war since before civilization has been to be recognized. I going to most likely write question that have no answers...:)

  6. Very true, Ebby, there is no "one true religion!" Understanding that many humans have a need for belonging and a set of tangible spiritual expressions in their realities, is in my opinion the birth of religions. I equate Greed and Coveting ~ and fear is often rooted in both. All the major religions have a "book" which sets down the "guidelines" of each religion. Within those books one can find stories of wars which were fought in the name of the Prophet (or God) that is central to that religion. Each book is set in a time when the "world" seemed very small, making food, animals, and land very important. Instead of following the "thou shall not kill" law ~ war in the name of the Prophet (or God) was the excuse that justified the action. Why mankind continues to kill each other and all that is part of this wondrous Earth seems to me to be rooted in the desire to "own and control" a particular place or thing ~ yet still our spiritual beliefs are wrongfully used to justify the action of war. And yes fear is the emotion that is solicited as motivation. Perhaps part of our animalistic heritage lingers ~ the "fight or flight" instinct. I also believe that there is one true Essence ~ call the Creator by any name that makes a person comfortable. I do honor all of the Prophets (which includes Nature) for sharing the knowledge we need to understand Oneness.
