Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Little Bit about Reviewer Samuel Lasco

My life has been like the ocean floor a constant flux. I grew up in a neighborhood where everyone knew everyone it is called “The Old Neighborhood” Location Grand and Ogden. I went to a Catholic Grammar school with nuns. How I survived was becoming an Altar boy. I think I can still recite the Mass in Latin. Reason simple altar boys got out of there classes; Funerals, High Masses, and Special ceremonies. I always got picked since after the Masses it was appropriate to tip the Altar boys and I always gave my envelop to the priest.  The second thing I did to stay in avoidance was becoming a safety patrol boy. You got to carry the horses that blocked the street into the back where the rectory was. That meant being late to class was always accept and you got to leave class early.  Boring but that is what I can remember what grade school was.
High School was a bit different. I went to Holy Trinity where many of my grammar school mates went. I wrestled as a freshman 103 and I am sure that division does not even exist anymore. Sophomore I got into the boxing program even though I did not box but being part of the program gave you privileges. Junior year was a blank since our neighborhood was a war zone and Vietnam was in full gear.  Senior year as in most high schools is a year to decide what you are going to do with your life when you graduat. All I thought about was getting my 1h deferment to stay out of the silly war.
I went to Wilbur Wright College not the nice pretty school that they built but the original one and the most I can remember about that was the pink lounges that I am not even going to get into. Everyone by that time was playing hockey. We played at Rainbow ice arena when it was the cheapest amount which was usually 2-4 in the morning.  While I was in college they stopped our college deferment 1h due to the News Quote "getting into college was not fair to all". Since they could not get in so I lost my 1h deferent and the lottery was established. Yes my lottery number was 10….need I say anything more. I can write a sitcom on Van Buren Street where we had to go for our testing. Follow the lines on the wall.....LOL
The war ended soon and this is where my constant life becomes that Ocean floor. I had many different job. Let’s turn back the time a bit and during my high school years when my neighborhood was a war zone I studies Tae Kwon Do under Master Tai and instead of doing the constant Katas, I prefer to fighting and was going to tournaments and playing hockey whenever I could.  A break happened and I landed a city job and was introduced to a completely new crowd. I worked in the first ward which was Taylor Street  Lee Lano was the Yard Sup. and seemed to take a liking to me and I ended up with a good crew. I was on asphalt crew and we had to shovel with a pitchfork by hand. It was hard work but always had a great tan and got into great shape. I was introduced at some political party to Master Tsai. He was a Master in Kung Fu on Sheridan ave. It was a high rise the Black one I know it has a name but all I called it was the black high rise on Sheridan. I remember the training being quite different than Tae kwon do. I studied before you could even put on a belt was with Master Ming. He was right out of those Chinese movies with the white hair and long eyebrow and long robe. Until this day I still say he never walked and could walk though walls. He taught the meaning of Kung-Fu. He showed us how to breathe, slow our heart rate down to almost being stopped. I would love messing with my doctor and slowing it down the first time I did it he panic. It was a good laugh for me he certainly did not appreciate it. One of the most important things he taught us was to heal our self. I understood why this was so important because once we start the full training I was always in pain. No my body did not even feel like my body, everything always hurt. During the Iron Palm training we had to use some healing stuff Master Ming made for us so we would not break our hands during this training but truly it was his teaching us of internal healing which is what saved me.
We will not talk about the mid 70’s to the mid 80’s since everything was a blur and everything ran together. I did travel a lot during those times. Parting was the main agenda. However in 1978 the Fire department announced that they were testing. My friends Ralph Scavone family were all fireman and he wanted to become one and ask me to train with him.  I think out of 5,000 I ended up 201. I was just in good shape from my Martial arts so the test was quite easy. Our class was called the Night Riders since we were the last class to train with the police. We shared the police academy. We were broken into groups and whomever placed first in there group got pick of their firestation if there was a opening available. I ended up first and of course I picked the neighborhood fire station. Out of 24hour shift we ran 22hours. I always took the details since I wanted to become a good fireman and where could I kick in door and break windows and get paid to do it. I think all the training is why I survived the tragedy that happen in 1985. If you Google Chicago February 1,1985 Arson Fire Logan square you can read about it but basically my whole company was killed and I suffered severe burn. After the grafting for my legs I ended up with no skin on my body except what looks like a potato peeler took apart. I signed myself out of that Hospital since I knew it was time to go. I had a lot of new coverage most of them false reports but nevertheless I receive a letter from a doctor in Palm Springs. Over the next ten years I had extensive reconstructive surgery on my face. The funny thing was no one ever asked me what happen. “I have moved so whatever story they invented be the story”. Totally not true but as I said I moved on not realizing my ocean floor was about to shift again. By this time everyone forgot what had happen and I knew I lost everything. My dad recently died and I sorta lost it. I never had any help. My mom was taking care of my sick dad. I had to eventually take over for my mom since my dad got really sick. Cancer has a way of doing that. After he died I completely lost it. Feeling incompetent I train for a Kung Fu tournament since I could not even walk on a step ladder. BTW if you did not read the Google article in the fire the arson fire had been fuel by bombs and the roof collapsed.  I had vertigo on the first step of a step ladder. But fighting was an outlet. I was fighting the senior division and the rules changed from when I was competing. If you never been to a Martial Arts tournament you must wait until your division is called and then the winner is picked by last man. When my number was called I enter the ring and the judge in the ring asked me to remove my safety glasses. He explained the new rules were you had to wear goggles. I had to remove my glasses. What A joke. In the senior division there is no weight division. My opponent was huge I knew he would be slow and it was going to be a easy win but when I removed my glasses it trigger my vertigo and I freaked out. When he moved toward me I jumped up with a spinning kick and solid hit to the chest which knocked him out of the ring into the Judges at ringside. I was disqualified for excessive force. After the fight I approach my opponent and apology and explained he was too big and I could not see without my glasses we both laughed shook hands.
Here is where that ocean floor shifted on my again. I met a woman and fell in love. Had a beautiful daughter but realize we had to get a divorcé due to differences?  Now the year is 1994 and what was a livable check was not worth even half. I had some saving and friends who lived on the islands that put me up. During this time I became a Padi Master Diver. I think was on a death trip since Shark diving and anything to do that was dangerous I did. I did end up with  many different Padi certifications. The money was gone and back to the states.
Again that Ocean floor was swept away. My daughter started school and I figure I would do the same. I had wonderful families that help with the financial part of this part of my life experience.  After I ended up with a B.A.  I qualified for the MSI program, Master of Science of Language Arts in Education. I had all that education and I did not realize my head was still not screwed on straight. I had to sell my house since my check from the fire department was worth after paying bills 30dollars. After living on thirty dollars a month my friends were gone and I was having panic attacks after panic attacks. My mom got sick and I call 911 and when the firemen came to the house and while the paramedic were working on my mom the firemen and I were talking. They knew something was wrong, it is a “brother” thing firemen have with each other. They explained they were making five times what I was receiving.  I explained to them I tried to retire but was refused. As I said my head was not on correctly since I had time and age at 53 but was denied and just took whatever they told be as gospel. I started to play the guitar since I needed something to take my mind off of everything. I played for hours at a time. I think it is how much you practice that will determine on how well you can play. I just applied my Martial Arts training to playing the guitar.  I am going to end this saga by saying if I could turn back the hands of time I would of told the TRUTH, what do I mean by that “I would explain what really happen on  February 1, 1985 not there imaginary story”  I cannot forget I am a proud dad with a grandson. So I now can walk on a ladder, have a beautiful daughter and grandson…..I am sure as I always told my daughter if it was not for her I would not be here......

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