Sunday, February 3, 2013
Blood Cross is where this all starts, recording new sounds with a new attitude. That hype-link will bring you to our website and bring you to our Blogger page. I just want for the first post to introduce our authors and if anyone is interested in joining our team, please use our Contact page via our website. First I like to introduce the lovely women from the Pan-Handle Bernice Edgecombe. Nicholas Brandenburg is from the Netherlands who will be brings us Metal reviews, new releases and the sorts. Of course I must introduce myself Samuel Lasco from Chicago who started this journey. We are going to be bringing in alot of different type of music so I hope to see you back. Please do not forget to visit our site........Keep the Music Alive
Blood Cross is where this all starts, recording new sounds with a new attitude. Blood Cross has grown from recording new sounds with a new attitude into exchanging musical social media pages of all genres and sharing new and old sounds with everyone. This hyper-link will bring you to our website and bring you to our Blogger page. Please click the icon that states “Click me to enter” I just wanted the first post to introduce our authors and if anyone is interested in joining our team, please use our Contact page via our website. First I like to introduce the lovely women from the Pan-Handle Bernice Edgecombe. Nicholas Brandenburg is from the Netherlands who will be brings us Metal reviews, new releases and the sorts. Dawna Seager now living in Napa, California is a student of the musical arts and extremely knowledgeable of many musical genres. Of course I must introduce myself Samuel Lasco from Chicago who started this journey. We are going to be bringing in alot of different type of music so I hope to see you back. Please do not forget to visit our site the Music Alive