Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What is religious pluralism? xvi

Religious pluralism generally refers to the belief in two or more religious worldviews as being equally valid or acceptable. More than mere tolerance, religious pluralism accepts multiple paths to God or gods as a possibility and is usually used in contrast with “exclusivism,” the idea that there is only one true religion or way to know God.

While religious pluralism has been in existence since at least the seventeenth century, the concept has become more popular since the latter half of the twentieth century in Western Europe and North America. Specifically, the idea of religious ecumenism (religions working together as one) and the recently popularized interfaith movement have led to the increased acceptance of religious pluralism in popular culture.

Studies by the Barna Group and others have noted the growth of ideas related to religious pluralism in American culture in recent years. In many cases, even significant numbers of people identified as Christians believe there is more than one way to heaven.

Pluralism is more than the sharing of certain values or agreement on some social issues. Buddhists and Christians both agree that helping the poor is important, but such limited concord is not pluralism. Pluralism has to do with lending credence to competing truth claims and accepting diverse beliefs regarding God and salvation.

In addition, two or more religions can sharesomedoctrinal beliefs yet remain fundamentally different as belief systems. For example, Muslims and Christians agree that there is only one God—yet both religions define God differently and hold many other irreconcilable beliefs.

What does the Bible teach about religious pluralism? First, the Bible acknowledges only one God (
Deuteronomy 6:5). Therefore, religious pluralism is incompatible with biblical teaching since pluralism accepts multiple views of God or even multiple gods.

Second, the Bible teaches exclusivism in that there is only one way to know God—through Jesus Christ.
John 14:6notes that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and thatno onecomes to the Father except through Him. The apostles taught the same message inActs 4:12: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

Third, the Bible frequently condemns other religions as following gods that are not really gods. For example,
Joshua 23:16says, “If you violate the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them, the LORD's anger will burn against you.”

Religious liberty guarantees that multiple religions can worship peaceably, and Christians appreciate such liberty, as it allows for open worship of God. In contrast, religious pluralism teaches that multiple religions are true or equally valid, something the Bible clearly refutes. We encourage religious liberty, but at the same time we communicate the Bible’s teaching of “one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (
1 Timothy 2:5).

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/religious-pluralism.html#ixzz2RfYAAuNb


Religious pluralism xv

Religious pluralism is the view that all religions, certainly all major or ethical religions, are equally valid paths to God or to ultimate reality. For the pluralist, many religious roads lead to God and salvation. And yet, given the present cultural milieu of globalism, multiculturalism, relativism (in both truth and morality), and especially the postmodern spirit, the growing climate of religious pluralism is growing rapidly.

Entering the twenty-first century, America embodies significant ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious diversity. Urban and suburban dwellers come from all parts of the globe. One's next-door neighbor to the right might come from Southeast Asia or Australia. The one to the left might originate from India, Africa, Europe, or the Middle East. America, as a democratic nation, places great value on the principle of tolerance, especially the tolerance of religious expression. The Bill of Rights guarantees American citizens the right to free exercise of religion.

Unfortunately, some people take the notion of equal toleration of religious expression to mean that all religions are equally true, thus equally valid paths to God. In effect, democracy has been applied to ultimate truth. This seemingly "politically correct" approach to religion, though popular in this culture, represents deeply convoluted thinking. The acceptance of social pluralism (tolerance of diverse religious expression) does not logically imply the truth of metaphysical pluralism (that all religious truth claims are equally valid and simultaneously true).

Since I can go on however my point is simple. All religions and their true book believe in one concept…..”Harm None”…..this is said and demonstrated in many way since we are talking about religious pluralism.

Some people argue that applying logic to religion is false or misleading. They insist that ultimate truth comes only through some type of non-rational intuition. Their argument betrays them, however, because in arguing against logic they must first presuppose the laws of logic to attempt a refutation. Well I will say on last comment on this point of interest. Logic simply does not apply to faith!

I will post more BoS printable when asked.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beltane ~ May 1st xiv

Beltane ~ May 1st
Alternate Names
Beltain, Bealtaine, Beltine, May Day, Cetsamhain ('first Samhain'), Walpurgis Night (Beltane Eve), Celtic 'Flower Festival'

Druidic Name


Christian Equivalent

Roodmas, Rood Day, Feast of Saint Philip and Saint James, Feast of Saint Walpurga

Place in the Natural Cycle

Beltane is the cross-quarter festival that marks the start of the summer quarter of the year and the end of the spring quarter. This is a time when nature blossoms and felicity and fertility return to the land. In times past, the livestock stockaded at Samhain was returned to summer pastures at Beltane.

Further Details

Beltane is a joyful festival of growth and fecundity that heralds the arrival of summer. It is the festival of the 'Good Fire' or 'Bel-fire', named after the solar deity Bel. Bel was also known as Beli or Bile in Ireland, with Bile meaning 'tree', so Beltane may also mean 'Tree-fire'. Beltane is the counterpart of Samhain (and is sometimes referred to as Cetsamhain, the 'first Samhain'), and these two important festivals divide the year into summer and winter halves, just as the two equinoctial celebrations, Ostara and Mabon, divide the year into light and dark halves.
Lighting fires was customary at Beltane, and traditionally a Beltane fire was composed of the nine sacred woods of the Celts. All hearth fires were extinguished on Beltane Eve and then kindled again from the sacred "need fires" lit on Beltane. People would leap through the smoke and flames of Beltane fires and cattle were driven through them for purification, fertility, prosperity and protection.
In terms of the God and Goddess cycle, Beltane marks the union of the two deities, bringing new life to the earth. It is a traditional time for Handfastings (marriages), and was a time for couples to make love outside to bless the crops and the earth. Maypoles were often danced around at Beltane to bring fertility and good fortune. The later addition of ribbons which were wrapped around the pole by the dancers brought a further sense of the integration of male and female archetypes, mirroring the union between the God and the Goddess. Beltane lore also includes washing in May-day dew for beauty and health, and scrying in sacred waters, such as ponds or springs.
The festival is sometimes referred to as Roodmas, a name coined by the medieval Christian Church in an attempt to associate Beltane with the Cross (the Rood) rather than the life-giving symbol of the Maypole. Beltane was also appropriated by the Church as the Feast Day of Saint Walpurga, who was said to protect crops and was often represented with corn.
Beltane is a time to devote energy to growth and integration. It is a time of celebration, exuberance and hope, when we should enjoy and appreciate the gifts of nature.
information n/a


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


To the beginner, it would seem that the primary goal of everything one does
is to become a Shaman.

It is a common misconception that experiencing Shamanic ecstasy or embarking
on that first Shamanic journey makes you a Shaman. It is more complicated
then this.

Not everyone can become a Shaman...it is a terrible experience to survive a
calling and thus one should not "wish" to be a Shaman.

However, anyone may still benefit from the experience of practicing Shamanic
techniques and ecstasy without being a Shaman.

A Shaman is a master of the Shamanic abilities, journeying, ecstasy, even

A Shaman is also one depended on by some form of a group or community, while
I believe one might be a Shaman to their own brotherhood or family, in most
cases this is a village or some nation of people.

To these people, the Shaman is their window between the worlds. So to answer
the question, there are three ways most Shamanic traditions agree one can
become a Shaman.

1- By birth into a Shamanic family, one can receive the hereditary right to
be a Shaman.
2- One might be called as a Shaman. Often a person will become seriously ill
(physically, mentally or psychically) during this calling.
They will then realize, or be informed of, their calling. Once the person
begins their training and accepts their calling, they will be freed of their
This calling is not a request, but rather a divine command. Once may be
raised in a Christian family which rejects the path of the Shaman, but to
ignore the call would not be acceptable. Most Shamanic cultures believe that
rejecting a call is a fatal mistake. Surviving the call is what gives the
Shaman the experience needed to begin healing others.
3- One may choose to become a Shaman.
This involves an intense, personal quest towards being a Shaman, including
the traditional training and studying. According to "orthodox" beliefs, a
Shaman who chooses his path is less powerful.

Many cultures believe there is no such thing as one who chooses to be a
Shaman and such a person is either fake or simply unrespectable. Survival of
the calling is part of the experience and to choose this path is to surpass
the calling.

Regardless of the way one initiates the journey, it is a very tough and
devoted path to follow. A Shaman must endure intense physical discipline,
days in sweat lodges, seeking visions, long journeys between the worlds, and
deep study of deities, myths, the secret language, and their heritage.

This is why Shamanism is not a religion but a way of life that becomes the
nature of the individual. 
 Here is the printable BoS I hope it is helpful...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

About Shamanism XVII

Since I had no comment on my last post I can keep thoughts here. I chose this topic since the term called Shamanism which is all I am going to post about for awhile. This is the same as what I refer to God-powers. I have stated we are all born with them however most children are either frighten of them, the power never being used goes into submission or when asked about them to their parents who have rejected their powers  yet now seeing a pattern far to late to help their own children since pride over takes them and the whole cycle starts or continues depending on the lifeline of the family in denial.
Shaman (pronounced SHAH-maan) is a word from the language of the Tungus people
of Siberia. A Shaman is a man or woman who enters and altered state of
consciousness at will. The Shaman does this to contact and utilize an ordinarily
hidden reality to acquire knowledge, power, and to help others. The Shaman
usually has at least one or more spirits in his or her personal service.

The trance or "ecstatic" state of consciousness the Shaman enteres can be termed
as the Samanistic State of Consciousness (SSC). The shaman does not enter this
state for play, but only for serious purposes. The Shaman must also know the
basic methods of accomplishing the work in the SSC before entering such a state.
For example, if the Shaman wishes to recover a patient's guardian animal, he
must know the techniques for reaching the Lowerworld, entering it, finding the
spirit animal and bringing it back safely. Subsequently, he must know what
instructions to give the patient in the ordinary State of Consciousness (OSC).

The Shaman is an accomplished seer who works in the dark, or at least with the
eyes covered in order to see clearly. For this reason, the Shaman usually
engages in such practices at night. Some kind of Shamanistic seeing can be done
with the eyes open, but that kind of perception is usually less profound. In
darkness, the distractions of ordinary reality are less, making it possible for
the Shaman to concentrate on aspects of non-ordinary reality essential for the
Shaman's work. The SSC must also be entered with the assistance of drumming,
singing, dancing and the use of rattles.

Shamanistic Enlightenment is the literal ability to lighten the darkness and see
what others cannot perceive. hmmmmmmmm Sound like God-Powers to me and due to free choice you get to choose The Light or The Dark.

*this information was taken directly from the Coven LadyofEarth with  the introduction of my work using Shamanism as compared to God-Powers. If the ancient information was keep up and translated immediately I am sure we would have an exact linguistic and anthropological interpretation instead of mixed matched translation which one only agrees to get there paper published so they can earn the doctrine.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Change of Heart XVI

I have been searching for a religion that I can actually believe in. Most written stories sound like comic books.  I have been writing about Wicca. I would like to call Dan Brady a friend or someone who truly cares. He told me numerous time in different posts and I guess a mountain must hit me in the head for the light bulb to go on. First when I found The Golden Dawn I was asking people for cliff-note even though I was in the mist of reading it. For you to understand the writing of Israel Regardie there is numerous prerequisite book you must read before you can even make sense out of it. I will not even talk about Aleister Crowley for he stands for and did everything I am against. Dan warn me numerous times and it did not register until yesterday. I have a very big theological collection of books from all of the different schools of religious methodology. There was not one I believe in since they always contradict there own writing. I am going to rewrite the book I have been working on. I still believe in the one absolute law Wicca states. "Harm None". I know there is actually eighth words but I prefer the religion I am going to write about is keeping it simply simple. The practicing of rituals which I have preform were simple  spells and always include in my first words were let this spell harm none. I realize the mind is a very complex muscle that you can strengthen and tap into. I am referring to the conscience and subconscious brain that I just learn is evolving. That is a scientific fact. I do believe in a supreme Deity. I also believe that all religion are basically the same but though cultures and environmental conditions they were written for there particular settings. That is human and to be human is to error. That I can not accept. If you have faith and belief it must be constant. Again to keep it simple absolute. Example: the Old Testament was absolute then all of a sudden the New Testament and that became absolute. Well that negates both. That only hold true if you understand what absolute means. I am going to base the religion I am going to be writing about only has one law, "Harm None". You can not amend that statement or though out time and language. So that will bring in the experts anthropology and the linguistics. No matter how far you go back "Harm None" has the same meaning in any culture, time period, or environmental settings. I am not sure where this new methodology is going to take me or what is going to guide me but I feel it is needed. Do you realize there are two countries with over 100 nuclear weapon each side have. They are arguing over water. If something so simple that the leader understand is a simple solution yet the people with there religious belief can not see and would rather have a doomsday effect for the whole planet well that is so wrong in so many ways. They might use the word religion but no religion express to destroy the complete planet. Maybe with alot of help I can write something that might be acceptable by all. I am not a God. I bleed and cry. However I love my grandson and would like him to enjoy the things this planet gave me. If I start and say all religions are true and there is one supreme Deity. I am sure as in anything there will be opposition. I feel I still must do this. There is so much hatred no matter what I write there will be challenges. Someone has to start. Allah, Buddha, Krisha, Gandhi, Dali Lama, Einstein, Tesla, the list can go on but all these men made a impact. Maybe since our body is evolving a new train of thought is needed. I am still going to use a BoS to document my writing so I will keep posting the print out I have...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Question of the Day? XV Rituals


Must rituals be followed exactly?
As promised I will post a new BoS until my supply is exhusted by then if you have used them all I am sure you will be on your book 3.........you must use those empty page. When I post a print this is like Your magical Name it is a sub-chapters. The next page should be one of the page or pages that are scrolled and then in ink you should write your names you chose and why or how they were chosen.....and the word is spoken. This page can be resized....Blessed Be

Saturday, April 13, 2013

xiv Candle Dressing/Dressing Oil

Dressing Oil

This post is about the how and what can go wrong which is part of my 5th edition. Not about what oils do what. This is a really good article since if you do not heed this warning your candle will not burn since your oils will put the flame out....trust me.....I have a candle that was made for me and it had oils that went bad. I just order a speecial box for my oils and one for my herbs. I bought one but did not realize I had so many so as soon as I get my other box so I can separate the hers from oils. I am going to test all my oils and I am sure after want I just experience they are mostly bad.

Based on an oil recipe handed down to me for dressing candles before ritual

What you need:

2 dram (10mL) clean amber or cobalt vial sweet almond oil (has vitamin E
  for preservation)
6 drops sandalwood mysore e.o.
3 drops myrrh e.o.
3 drops frankincense e.o.

Add the essential oils to the bottle and swirl them gently in order to get them
blended. Add any crystals (make sure they are clean too) and then add your base
oil to top the bottle off. I don't use crystals in all my blends but some people
add crystals to their magical blends to keep them charged with a specific
intention. Make sure to keep the oils stored away from light and write on a
sticker or piece of paper to be taped on the name of the blend, time, date, moon
phase, planetary hour and any other info you wish so that you know what you made
and when for use later. As well, be careful as these blends will eventually go
off so use your sniffer and be aware of what the blend should smell like. Once
it seems off, you can discard it, clean the bottle and start a fresh! Make sure
it is completely clean and if it cannot be completely cleaned, discard and use a
fresh one.
Remember - essential oils can cause reactions and oils like citrus can cause
photosensitivity so please - be careful ~ Herbs can be dangerous.

Essential oils are volatile so bottles left with tops off will soon lose their
potency. Ensure that oils don't get too hot and, in the case of oils like
citrus-based oils, not too cold. To test your essential oils to see if they are
pure, put a drop or two on blotter paper. Genuine essential oils will evaporate

Contributed by Red Wolf

Please this is printable compliment for your BoS

Thursday, April 11, 2013

xiii Concept

I am posting my concept. This comes from me as the source. Wicca has been mixed and matched so many times the only truth is your own belief system. Except for the one law which is absolute: "Harm None" yes I know there are eight words but leave the other six out and you still get the same last two I just written, "Harm None". I do understand why I can easily say I am Wiccan but also, Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, you get my point. They all believe In a supreme deity. Now if you take most of the man-made stuff of fire and brimstone and would make Rome release the secret writings I am sure you would realize what connects us is one common thing. We are born with it and as long as we do not will it away we died with it and move on. If you read the Koran, Bible, Tara, etc. again it is about love and honoring your neighborhood and they prefer to use the words "No Killing". The difference between theologies is which religion came first. After our interesting debate in our Facebook group I still holding fast and going to use the word Wicca only because you could easily start a debate the end results will be "Harm None". The first written words were on stone tablets, and I am not talking about Moses so slow down. I am going to use a Book since you have seen how many I have read and also have studied. FROM DISTANCE DAYS ISBN I-883053-09-9......you can go cliff-note this but unfortunately if you know about cliff-note they say everything but nothing. When I was asking I was being funny since I have already began reading The Golden Dawn. This book talks about the first land mass. Oh my. You understand then what language is on these stone tablets. This is abridgement of Before the Muse I just wanted to sound smart but truly my point was on these tablets it is complex "Be Nice" is basically the belief system. Yes it talks about many laws, marriages, etc. but in the end it comes down to Harming None for it is not our place. This is on stone tablets. Ok I am ready for that entire that are going to ask me what part of the region is it from. Does not matter. You give me a book from that has translated from stone tablets and describes taking another man wife is ok, or stealing is ok, or killing in God's name is ok. This I can say for a fact this is so. So now if we are going to debate, we can enter a field of where I just might prove to be able to how my own….. Linguistics and Anthropology           The study of culture is a interesting thing. Words have many meaning that has change in times but my references are when language is at its purist. Truly the college scholars debate but until a new doctrine is accepted the word stands.   So shall we split hairs on “Harm None” or “Be Nice”     as promised for those working on BoS

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

XII 10 Beginner Mistakes

10 Beginner Mistakes

You've made them, I've made them, we've all seen them.. the dreaded 'beginner
fluffy bunny mistakes'. These are the common mistakes that all beginners make at
some point and other Wiccans groan at. These are the pitfalls that we have all
fallen into at least once (or twice) during the learning curve. And this isn't
your 'mispronunciations during ritual' pitfalls, either. Some of these are
merely annoying to others, and some have serious implications. Most will make
you grin abashedly in a year or so. :)
Not that I'm saying that you shouldn't make these mistakes at least once. It's a
great learning experience to suddenly realize that you've recently been acting,
well... a little strange. That maybe the reason people stare at you isn't
because you wear a Pentacle; it's because it's three inches across. And don't
feel too embarrassed, I've done most of these myself at one point or another. ;) 
Pitfall #1: 'I Read it in this Book...'
One of the first important things to learn is to not believe everything you
read. Just because it's in print doesn't necessarily mean it's true. Be a
critical reader. Don't even believe me, I'm just one person and I make lots of
mistakes, too. Get opposing opinions and figure out what You believe. Goddess,
if you only saw how many times I've stared horrified at my monitor at a beginner
website with all the wrong information. Please be a critical reader.
Pitfall #2: Overenthusiasm
Enthusiasm is great... it's wonderful! Enjoy this time of awareness, of
excitement and the golden aura of everything! But also be careful of
overenthusiasm. While it is possible you were Wiccan in your last lifetime, it
is very unlikely that you've been a Witch since the beginning of time or that
your cat was indeed an attendant in a Temple to Isis. You grandmother probably
didn't initiate you at age 5, and you probably didn't inherit all the knowledge
of your now Wiccan ancestors. I'm not trying to step on your beliefs or hurt
your feelings, but please be reasonable. There are over 6 Billion people on this
planet, and very few Witches in the last few centuries; what makes you think you
are a reincarnated Witch? Like I said, it is quite possible, but it's not the
point. Whether you were or weren't has no bearing on who you are now. You will
never again be the person you are RIGHT NOW; what better person can you be? As
the saying goes: 'What you cannot find within, you will never find without'.
Another issue to be aware of is being really excited about Wicca. This is
wonderful, and I'm glad you feel proud of your decision to study Wicca. But
daring people to disagree with you so you can tell them What Wicca Really Is is
not the way to go. In fact, this is barely disguised prosthletizing, and this is
something we just don't do. You will need to learn to depend on yourself, and
sometimes others will just never understand. That's their right, and it's not
your job to try and change their mind. The Christian standing in front of you
never burned anyone at the stake and probably never will. They're not out to get
you, and if they wanted to be Wiccan, they would be. Remember that the
Witchcraft of the Burning Times is not the Wicca of today. Don't tell people
what the Wiccan way is really about - show them by your own wisdom and maturity.
Pitfall #3: 'Wicca is as Wicca does'
Wicca has nothing to do with Tarot Cards, Séances, Dowsing, Pendulums, Psychic
Fairs, and especially Ouija boards. A new moon ritual does not involve calling
up Fluffy or Uncle Bob from the grave. I don't know any Wiccans who use Ouija
boards and frankly the things concern me. I've never attended or heard of
a 'Wiccan Séance'. 
That being said, there are things here that Wiccans may like to do. I use the
Tarot to advise me when I need perspective in my life. I do free readings for
those who need it. I sometimes use a pendulum; I am learning about Runes. I may
learn other forms of Divination in future. I don't charge money for Tarot
readings if the person needs it, and you probably won't find me exhibiting at
any psychic fairs. 
None of these things have anything to do with Wicca. If you dream of something
that comes to pass, it's not because you're Wiccan; it's because you are a
sensitive human being. Smelling snow on the wind and celebrating the return of
spring - this is Wicca. Sensing vibrations through a pendulum - this is not
Wicca. This is something a Wiccan person may, or may not, have interest in.
Wicca is a set of beliefs and a way of living; it is not fortune telling or the
tools thereof. 
Pitfall #4: Degrees and Titles
Dedicant, Initiate, 2nd Degree, High Priestess... how do I get these titles?
Actually, unless you are part of an established tradition, don't count on the
titles themselves meaning much. I was dedicated as a solitary by an eclectic
coven 3 months after I heard of Wicca and dedicant I have ever remained (as of
this writing). Oh, if I wanted I could initiate myself as a solitary; hell, I
could initiate myself a 3rd degree Master of Bubblegum Wicca if I really felt
like it. But that would get me nothing and nowhere, fast. As a solitary, a
Dedication is a good place to start. You can do it by yourself, and you never
need be initiated. Remember, it is the Gods alone who initiate. I've seen
'covens' of three people where the '3rd Degree High Priestess' was chosen
because she had been studying for a few more months. This degree is meaningless
and you are doing yourself, and the Craft, a disservice by using it. In the
absence of an 'official' system of degrees, a title is only as good as it's
wearer. You can call yourself a High Priestess until you are blue in the face,
it still doesn't mean squat unless you actually are. Generally, it takes a year
or two of hard work to earn initiation. 2nd Degree is much harder and may never
be reached. 3rd Degree – good luck. My advice, as always, is to be yourself.
Don't claim to be something you are not, because others will know. Be proud of
who you really are. 
Pitfall #5: Spells
Spells are cool. Spells involve cool words and candles and powers and energy,
and you can make things happen. 
This is true; spells do involve all these things and more. But be aware that
spells are generally a last-resort 'I don't know how to deal with this' action.
It's not that spells are bad or wrong; it's just you don't have to tinker with
every aspect of life. In my 3 years of studying Wicca, I've done maybe 10 spells
maximum, and none of them recently. Why? I don't need to right now. I have four
walls and a roof, I eat, I work, I have transportation and I can pay my bills. I
have family, friends and health. None of my friends are in any immediate need
that I know of. I am truly a blessed person. If I have a financial crisis I will
get another job. If I have a health crisis I will see a doctor. If my car breaks
down I will take it to a mechanic. If I decide I have been single long enough I
will go out and meet people. If, however, the car is unreparable, I will really
have a problem and then may consider a spell. And the spell will not come from a
book or a website or a friend. I will do whatever is meaningful for me at the
time. Whether I chant, meditate, or dance around a big green candle doesn't
matter worth a damn. It doesn't really matter whether I do it at new moon or
full moon or midmorning or the hour of Saturn while Mercury is in the right
house and the moon isn't void of course. It doesn't matter if I call the
elements or the watchtowers or the elementals. It doesn't really matter if I
call Mercury or Hecate. It doesn't matter if I do it robed, disrobed or painted
yellow and purple polkadots. It doesn't matter if I do it standing on my head.
It doesn't matter if I do it in English or Japanese or pig latin. No spell has
power. You are the power, and you must respond to need when need arises. How
could someone else's 'spells' express the meaning of your situation? Writing
your own rituals and doing your own magick makes far more sense.
Pitfall #6: Coming Out of the Closet
Now, you're studying Wicca, you've picked up a Ravenwolf or a Cunningham and
visited the 'Voice. You're doing rituals and actually starting to get the hang
of this. What now? Tell the world!! ... Whoa there, hold on! Think about this.
The closet is there for a reason; let's look at this for a minute. 
In Africa, today, now, in the next few hours, someone may be brutally murdered
because they were accused of Witchcraft. Whether or not they are or aren't
doesn't matter. Just an accusation. This culture exists a mere plane ride away. 
In America, today, now, in the next few hours, someone may lose their children
because a social worker was misinformed. Children have been taken from their
parents because a 'child welfare' worker believed they will be sacrificed at
Samhain. This culture exists next door to your neighborhood. 
In Canada, today, now, in the next few hours, someone may be forced into a
mental institution for practicing Wicca. Some institutions believe that
practicing modern Witchcraft is a sign of mental distress or social
maladjustment. This has happened in my hometown. 
In North America, today and now, someone is losing a job for being Pagan;
someone is losing a friend. Someone is polishing a gun and muttering about the
'baby killers'. Someone is holding community action meetings to deal with the
'Wiccan threat'. 
As you now begin to feel that cold sinking feeling near your gut, do you begin
to see why there is a closet to be 'in'? This is frightening, absolutely. But is
is also one of the first lessons Wicca has to teach us: 'To Know, to Dare, to
Will, to be Silent'. If you choose to come out of the closet, things in your
life will change, and perhaps not the way you intend. Are you prepared for this?
 I say these things because I care, and I want you to understand what this is
about. I know people who have been harassed by students and teachers at school.
I get hate mail. I follow the news. Is this something you feel prepared to
Now for the good news: on the whole, on a daily basis, my experience has led me
to understand that it's not usually that bad. Most of my friends have been
wonderfully supportive. Professors have never given me a hard time. Employers
have been very tolerant. I've had religious friends- Christian and Muslim and
Buddhist, none of which had any interest in Wicca, but who were very tolerant.
 Keep in mind that there are various degrees of 'out'. At what point do you
become out: Buying a book in the local store, telling family, telling friends,
wearing a pentacle, telling co-workers, telling employers, writing to a
newspaper, dancing naked down main street, leading a national campaign for
Witches Rights? Where does 'out' start? One lesson Paganism has to teach us is
how not to box yourself in with labels. What is the difference between an 'out'
Wiccan and an 'in' one? Which one suits you best? 
Pitfall #7: Balancing Facts and Emotions
Is it important to know what element goes in what corner? Yes. Is it important
to know why, the historical basis and significance cross-referenced by culture?
Probably not at the beginner level. Facts are important, but emotions are, too.
Study the basics, they are vital. But leave lots and lots and lots of room for
personal expression. Wicca is a learning process, and a lot of that learning
will be about yourself. It's all about balance. If you find you are more worried
about candle colors and places than you are about celebrating, then perhaps it
is time for a readjustment. 
Pitfall #8: Making a Website
(hehe... let's just try to ignore the fact that I'm writing this for, and you're
reading this from, my personal Wiccan website. Let's also try to forget that I
started this site 'before I was ready' a mere year and a half after I first
picked up a book. Hey, I told you I've made most of these mistakes at least
once. ;) 
Anyways, we know you're excited about finding Wicca, and you want to tell the
world about this wonderful discovery you've made. But please, PLEASE sit down
and think about this first. Is there anything you can tell the world about Wicca
that hasn't already been said a hundred times (or more)? And if so, does it
warrant an entire website to say it? If not, instead of creating an entire
website by yourself, why not write a page to say what you have to say and
publish it to a larger website? You will reach a much wider audience while not
having to go through the 'We don't Worship the Devil' routine. Believe me, both
you and every other beginner already knows this, otherwise you wouldn't be
studying Wicca, right? Non-seekers also know this by the time they get to your
site. Offering up 'What Wicca is' as a main page only causes visitors to skip
what they already know, and possibly your entire site. There are many quality
websites, Ezines and magazines/newsletters that will publish your article; you
should be able to find them easily at a search engine. If you truly do have to
create a site, please at least read these guidelines first. 
1. Please don't use the same gold spinning Pentacle that everyone else uses.
Thank you. :)
 2. Do NOT use other people's pages without permission!!! No matter how large or
small the site, no matter how known or unknown the author! I've seen said yellow
spinning Pentacle used as a background for a Witches Voice page done in yellow
text. When I told them (and generally someone will), we both agreed it was the
most hideous thing we'd ever seen. Not only did this person steal the page and
the graphic, but even the code was ripped from the Voice. Please be respectful
and tasteful.
 3. Don't put the 'We Don't Worship the Devil' info on your main page. If it has
to be there, please just link to it. Don't make me and other people have to read
this stuff which we so obviously know. Write for Wiccans, or write for non-
Wiccans, but please choose your audience. 
4. Spells. I can't tell you whether or not you should publish spells. Generally,
though, people who know what they're doing write their own, and you are
karmically responsible for those who don't.
 5. Graphic Mania. Believe me, adding a ton of beautiful graphics does not help
you improve the image of Wicca or get your point across. In fact, by the time
half the images have loaded, the visitor is long gone. Decent webpage design
means less than 35 seconds of load – on 56k dial-up. Good webpage design means
less than 20 seconds. Professional sites with high volume load in 10 seconds or
less. If your site takes longer than 35 seconds from 'click' to 'done', your
site needs to get nekked fast. (Hint: add up the file sizes of all the images
and text on your page. If it's under 50k including images you're doing just
Pitfall #9: Ritual Tools
You don't need any Tools. Really. Tools will not help you be a 'better Wiccan',
no matter how much money you spend. You will never be considered a 'serious
Wiccan' by other 'serious Wiccans' just because you have the biggest/nicest
athame. Do your rituals using no tools at all. Now you can begin to get some
work done. 
Pitfall #10: Other Common Mistakes
Wicca is not more logical than other religions. We make as little sense as any
other religion. In fact, it's quite possible we make even less sense. If you
want a logical 'religion', try Atheism; it's the only one that can be even
remotely 'proven'.
Finally, someone studying for 6 months can know and understand more than someone
studying for 8 years. Don't count 'Years Studying' as a guide to knowledge and
understanding. If you spend 6 months obsessively studying you will probably
understand more than someone who has been 'studying' (read 30 books, way to excessive) in 8
years. Like degrees, be careful of titles and claims.

Monday, April 8, 2013

XI The Five Points of Wiccan Beliefs

Please  note this is not my work and will not make another post since all works in Wicca is just rewritten. In my previous Blog I mention I will summit you the reference if ask.

The Wiccan Rede
The Central belief in Wicca, the Wiccan Rede is the oldest of known ethics although it hasn't always been called anything more than common sense. The most common phrasing of The Rede is "An' it harm none, do as you will," Which is often reduced to "Harm none." In Universal Eclectic Wicca we also have an expanded reading of the Rede which is especially helpful when describing it to people who believe in commandments and long lists of rules. It states: "If an action will cause harm, physically, emotionally, or mentally, to another person or one's Self, refrain from doing it. Strive to always be helpful and never willingly cause strife or harm to befall someone. Weigh your actions against each other, would you wish your actions taken against you? Take no action you would not wish to receive."
There are several poems also called "The Wiccan Rede" but it is still only the eight little word "An it harm none, do as ye will."

The Law of Return
The Second of the Five Points, the Law of Return (also known as the karmic law, law of three, law of ten, etc.) means, quite simply, that what you do affects what happens to you. If you do well, good is going to happen to you; if you do evil, that'll happen too. Metaphors for the Law of Return exist in every religion; there are ancient ones and modern ones.
In some traditions, the Law of Return is given a multiplier, good and bad are said to come back upon you three- or tenfold, but even those traditions admit that an exact retribution ratio is impossible to come up with.

The Ethic of Self-Responsibility
More than any of the other points, The Ethic of Self-Responsibility turns people (especially those with damaged Wills or reduced sense of Self,) away from Wicca. It can be a scary thing for anyone not raised with it. It means, quite simply, when you mess up, it's your fault. In Wicca, there is no "The devil made me do it." We don't believe in devils, and even if we did, we don't believe any extra-celestials creatures could control us, not even the gods. The Ethic of Self-Responsibility also relates to The Law of Return. With this ethic you are accepting the karma or "stuff" you give yourself, good or bad. Put together, The Law of Return and the Ethic of Self-responsibility expect us to change positively, thus necessitating the fourth of our points, The Ethic of Constant Improvement.

The Ethic of Constant Improvement
In Wicca, we seek be ever growing, the basest of these improvements are taken care of by the Ethic of Self-Responsibility, but extending that responsibility beyond the self is what this is about. Scott Cunningham talks of Earth Stewardship in Living Wicca, an important facet of Constant Improvement. Ecology is vital in a religion that reveres nature as divine, and even the simplest of chores can be turned into an act of holiness when done ecologically. Teaching and preaching tolerance, racial harmony and reverence for art and history are also a part of this ethic, and living one's life toward peace is vital. Only by being constant in our learning, and eclecticism, do we prevent intolerance.

The Ethic of Attunement
Attunement is the act of becoming in-tune with divinity is the purpose behind the majority of ritual. In Wicca, we believe in three groupings of divinity:
  1. The Self is divine.
  2.  The Gods/other powers are divine.
  3.  The Universe itself is divine.
A.)           The Divine Self (thou art god) is expressed within The Ethic of Self- Responsibility. No one is in control of the Self except for the creator of the Self, the person that "owns" the body Our rites of Attunement to the divine self-include the practice of Ritual, and occasionally, High Magick, but also includes meditation, dance, drumming and anything else that makes us feel "in touch" with our Selves.
B.)          The Divinity of the Gods or the "Other Powers" defies immediate explanation as do the gods themselves. In Wicca, our gods are more like parents, the Divine Father and the Great Mother, and less like the fury-fueled jealous God of Christianity. Our rites of Attunement to the Gods are nearly all celebratory in nature, with the more intensive rituals combining the divinity of the gods with the divinity of the Universe in worship of the lunar and harvest cycles.
The Divinity of the Universe is subdivided into three groups. In Gaeism, the Planet Earth is a creature and each individual being, plant, animal or mineral is a part of that being, which is usually, but not always, named for the Goddess Gaea or Gaia. In Animism, each thing be it a windstorm or a rock, has a spirit of its own. In Cyclic Totality, or Cyclicism, it is the laws of the Universe which are divine, be they the cycles of celestial decay, or the harvests, or the birth-death-rebirth of the nitrogen cycle. The combination of these three forms of Universal divinity is used in Wicca in varying degrees with lip service, if not full ritual given to every subgrouping.